Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks
Better late than never
I started playing table top role playing games in junior high. Let’s go with 1982. I got the reading bug early and by that time I was tearing through the librarie’s scif-fi and fantasy sections like there was no tomorrow. Junior High and High School would be the years I read like no other. I would never have that amount of time again to just read and read. ( At the cost of my grades a lot of the time, but I’m not sure that was a bad trade off. )
Anyway I was reading fantasy that included Dungeon Crawls and then DnD came on the radar for me and I was instantly pulled in. There was one problem. Money. I never had much and D&D books were really expensive. I couldn’t afford them. So my first ttrpg was D&J. You haven’t hear of it? I’m shocked. My friend David and I spent hours making maps and creating rules. It just used D6s because that’s all we had.
By High School I was able to make money here and there. But really most of the TTRPG stuff I did was based off someone else buying books and running games I played and it was never D&D. It was Gurps, or Top Secret or others. I made a Top Secret module myself and it probably wasn’t that good but I have to say the cover I made for it was decent.
So here I am. In my 50s and my life is starting to have time again. And I’m not completely broke any more. So I’m playing D&D for the first time. I found a group to play with at a local game store. We are playing with the new 2024 rules. I intend to start a series of posts around what is happening there. Am I a D&D expert? No. Will I be able to talk aobut all the differences there are in the new version? No. To me the 2024 rules are the only rules. I’ve got the Players Handbook and the DM Guide. Stay tuned for my, probably stupid, takes.