Scribbles and ditherings

Working it out

Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks

Better late than never

I started playing table top role playing games in junior high. Let’s go with 1982. I got the reading bug early and by that time I was tearing through the librarie’s scif-fi and fantasy sections like there was no tomorrow. Junior High and High School would be the years I read like no other. I would never have that amount of time again to just read and read. ( At the cost of my grades a lot of the time, but I’m not sure that was a bad trade off. )

Anyway I was reading fantasy that included Dungeon Crawls and then DnD came on the radar for me and I was instantly pulled in. There was one problem. Money. I never had much and D&D books were really expensive. I couldn’t afford them. So my first ttrpg was D&J. You haven’t hear of it? I’m shocked. My friend David and I spent hours making maps and creating rules. It just used D6s because that’s all we had.

By High School I was able to make money here and there. But really most of the TTRPG stuff I did was based off someone else buying books and running games I played and it was never D&D. It was Gurps, or Top Secret or others. I made a Top Secret module myself and it probably wasn’t that good but I have to say the cover I made for it was decent.

So here I am. In my 50s and my life is starting to have time again. And I’m not completely broke any more. So I’m playing D&D for the first time. I found a group to play with at a local game store. We are playing with the new 2024 rules. I intend to start a series of posts around what is happening there. Am I a D&D expert? No. Will I be able to talk aobut all the differences there are in the new version? No. To me the 2024 rules are the only rules. I’ve got the Players Handbook and the DM Guide. Stay tuned for my, probably stupid, takes.

Consistency or the lack thereof

Consistenly inconsistent

I’m not gonna lie, I think this is kind of funny. I finally have what I’ve wanted for a long time and I can self host. But my workflow for posting here was all around pushing updates to Digital Ocean and it took me this long to set up things so that I could push them from here to the computer in the other room. Unreal, right?

We Link Part 1

There's never too much bandwidth

When someone rings our doorbell, I answer. I don’t want to usually but you just never know.

A few weeks ago the guy at my door said he was working for a new ISP that is providing fiber. Then he said I’d need an antenna on my roof. I asked some questions and found out what he’s selling is “Wireless Fiber” which is egregious in my mind, but whatever. It’s still supposed to be faster than Cox and cheaper. So I asked some more questions.

Is lag bad? Is it symetrical?

He told me my pings would be great and I could get a couple gig up and down - completely symetrical. He said they’d put the antenna on the roof and run fiber from it down into my house.

I decided to give it a go. WHy not.

The install wasn’t bad at all. I was neverous about what it would do to my roof. They don’t drill anything in. The antenna sits on a weighted down plate that rests over the peak of my roof. That made me happy. They ran cat 6 down the side of the house and came into my office through the wall. ( The idea that it would be fiber from the antenna into my house never made sense so I wasn’t surprised it was cat 6. )

Their modem they profide is not ideal. It has to be configured via an app on my phone. It does not have any way to connect to it directly over the network and configure it. Kind of annoying. I can live with it for now. If I get more serious about things I’ll look into my options to use my own hardware. From what I’ve seen online it looks like some people have been able to do this.

I’m getting 2 GB for a little more than half of what I paid Cox for 1.

My actual is around 1.5 down and 1.3 up. I’m happy with that. My 1 GB from Cox was never a full gig either. So I feel like I’m still double and my up with Cox was pretty bad.

The one other thing that I’m excited about is they said for an additional $10 a month I can have a fixed IP and host stuff from my home. Cox blocks the ports that would let me run a server from my house and the only way around it is a very expensive business plan. If I get self host from my house, I’ll be able to save some more money by dropping Digital Ocean. I love Digital Ocean and have been a customer for years so I’ll be sad to leave them, but it just helps the shift over make more sense.

I’m keeping my Cox plan active at a lower level. I want to run on this a while and make sure it’s reliable before I completely cut over, but I hope I can.

I plan to provide another update in 6 months unless something drastic happens that warrants a report sooner.

The future is now

this is how I disappear

Current Projects

I’ve got a few things cooking. What are they you ask?

I’m writing a ttrpg for children. It will be foss, under a creative commons license. The fact that it’s for fun and wont be sold really frees me up to just have fun with it. I am trying to do it well though.

I’m working on learning Django. I want to build a secret santa site for my family. We will all sign up, get assigned a family member and then we will each be able to create a list of the things we would like.

I feel like both of these are doable. I just need to keep chipping away.

On the probably never gonna happen front I have like 4 books to finish writing.

Slip Slidin' Away

the nearer your destination

It’s so silly to get nostalgic or maudlin. I fight it but sometimes it gets me a bit. Music does it the most, sometimes pictures or a smell.

I need to post more. I’ve said this countless times over countless years. :) We’ll see what happens.

This is just another placeholder. See you again soon. Maybe.

Glory Days

Well, the time slips away Leaves you with nothing, mister, but boring stories of

I was listening to Glory Days and thinking about it. I’m hitting the age now where it’s starting to become more relatable than ever.

But I also know, that back in the “Glory Days” I didn’t feel like they were that great. I mean it was pretty much like life now. So how do they get rosy looking back.

I thought maybe we forget the bad, and just remember the good. But I don’t think that’s it. In fact there is some really awful stuff back in those “Glory Days” and I have no desire to relive any of that. And the theory I’m going with right now, is that back then, just like now, most stuff works out. We don’t know it will right now - but if we are around to think back to then, well probably most of that stuff we were so worried about, all worked out.

This isn’t true for everyone of course. Some people have horrible pasts. They might see this all differently. But I know in my case, I think a lot of why I don’t enjoy now more, is because I’m worried about tomorrow. 5 years from now I’ll know that all worked out and I wont see that stress in it, I’ll see how good everything was.

I'm Hub McCann

I put my armor on, show you how strong I am

I was born in the northern cold and raised in the Sonoran heat. I’ve tread the Peralta, swum in the Supai falls, walked Tito’s halls. I’ve launched fire and death in the ice of the Bering and scorching heat of the Persian. I’ve been initiated into the mysteries of the deep, walked the lands of my forefathers and forged the bonds of brotherhood from Budapest to Tirana. I’ve seen the sun go down over Addis and rise over Pretoria, seen the lightning flash over the Tanganyika. Known the joy of a woman unparalleled in mind and spirit and the love of my God who carried me through it all. And He is not done with me yet.

Why Is Espn Plus So Bad?

The more you suffer, the more it shows you care. Right?

The NHL chose to make ESPN+ the only way for me to see more of their games. They chose the worst streaming service I’ve ever used. It’s laggy, the interface is awful and there is really no reason for it. It’s 2024. I get reliably good content delivery from a wide array of platforms. This is a solved problem.

If you are thinking about purchasing ESPN+ just realize, it’s going to be trash to watch.


It's so freaking good.

I am of the opinion that Andor is the best Star Wars story I have seen in my life. I should write up details - but baby steps.

It's Been A While

Since I could post in my blog

I’ve been thinking a lot about trying to create and generate instead of just consuming. Going to take another run here at more regularly posting - we’ll see.

I used to to have a volume of output that kept multiple sites going, I’ll see now if I can just keep one getting new content with some regularity.